Liz is a down to earth girl in many ways. With a curious mind, she's dedicated her talents to the archaeology and restoration to *Mechanoids*.
Through such, she's extremely well versed in mechanical design and engineering despite being a Manaworlder. Her trade doesn't stop her from being warm and approachable
either, as she can be spotted some nights in the local tavern, enjoying time away from work with a hefty mug of ale, and plenty of people to share conversation with.
Liz came along as a design when I was making a bigger splash in drawing boobs among peers. There were several characters that people that that were effectively mascots for their style; their postergirl. Unlike most of those though, she doesn't have a small pet that hangs out in her cleavage and slowly gets forgotten about over the years =p
She does work pretty well as something of a nexus point for my imagination though, since through her, I realized I could tie together some ideas from what I once figured was too different to use. Because of that, I have her as a very easygoing girl who could probably be nice to anything that moves, and has the boobs to disarm any hostility.